Environmental Statement
As Health and Social Care providers we are committed to environmental best practices, preventing pollution and minimising the environmental impact of our activities.
We are committed to achieving continuous improvement within all of our operations by identifying and implementing environmentally best practices and procedures in order to reduce the overall environmental impact of the organisation. This can be achieved by a combination of improved working practices, greater staff awareness and an ongoing commitment to the pursuit of technological improvements.
We aim to minimise DSL’s environmental impact on all activities carried out at our sites. These include the consumption of energy, procurement of goods and services, and the commissioning of buildings.
This means that we will:
- Conduct our activities in full knowledge of, and compliance with, environmental legislation and any other requirements relating to our environmental aspects.
- Identify and implement best practices and procedures in order to improve our environmental performance and decrease the overall environmental impact of the organisation.
- Encourage awareness of, and commitment to, improved environmental performance among our staff and our suppliers.
- Minimise consumption of natural resources and wastage of materials, as far as is economically practicable.
- Establish environmental objectives and targets, particularly for our most significant environmental impacts, and measure performance against them.
- Carry out reviews of our environmental performance and publish the results.