Supported Living
People sometimes take choosing where to live and who to live with for granted – we at Delight don’t, we understand that having these choices makes you feel in control of your life.
We support people with a range of disabilities and complex and challenging needs to live how and where they choose in our supported living services.
To this end we offer opportunities for people to live as independently and inclusively as possible. People are encouraged to participate in outcome based programmes enabling individuality, promoting positive and safe risk taking and through identifying any barriers to achieving their personal goals.
We work together with local Housing Associations, in addition to other social and private landlords to find a home that meets your needs. Some of our supported living services can be specially adapted and can use technology that helps people to live as independently as possible with the minimum of intrusion.
For many people who want to live independently, getting the right care and support is just as important as finding the right home.
The very experienced Senior Management and Staff Team have been supporting people for years, so we know what good quality support looks like. We have supported many people to move from hospital, residential or family homes into their own place or a house they share with friends.
Delight provides all staff and management with a comprehensive induction and on-going programme of education and development. All our staff working with you daily also undergo additional specialist training, which is responsive to individual need and to ensure continuity and consistency of support.
Support is available from a couple of hours a week to 24 hours a day, seven days a week. We can provide personal support to help you with things like getting dressed. We can also help you around your home, such as cooking a meal, and if you would like support to go out in the community or to do your favourite thing, we can help you to with that too.
Our services meet or exceed the standards set by the Care Quality Commission in England and the Care Inspectorate in Scotland.
We also have our own quality markers and standards, which help us to ensure we provide the best possible service. These markers and standards have been developed by people who have and are currently being supported so we know that these cover the standards that are important to them